About the Artist


Hugh Daniel is an enthusiastic painter inspired by animals and nature. A professional artist, website developer, and digital consultant, he lives and works in Raleigh, North Carolina. Most of his paintings are photorealistic with impressionistic touches using acrylics on stretched canvas.

His artwork can be viewed in several locations in the Piedmont region of North Carolina for special exhibitions.

He also works with other materials to create small dioramas, including river rocks, resin figurines, dried moss, and eggshells. Karen Daniel works with yarn and other materials to make clever crochet creations and wearables. These and other craft creations can be viewed at https://danielartandyarn.com.

Extensive creative and professional experiences include an early career as a professional actor, director and playwright, followed by many years as a graphic designer and digital consultant. These experiences have combined with a love of whitewater canoeing, wilderness camping, fishing, and other outdoor activities and sports, to allow him to portray his painting subjects with attention to detail and with a deep appreciation of nature.


For more information, please feel free to email Hugh at hello@hughdanielart.com or view his CV.


Private collections in Tennessee, Georgia, Texas, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, North Carolina, New York, Alabama, and Massachusetts.


Cross Currents Gallery 2025 Timeless Art Competition Finalist for Polar Bear under an Arctic Moon, acrylic on canvas. https://www.crosscurrentsgallery.com/

Artwork by Hugh Daniel, Raleigh, North Carolina. The artist primarily works in acrylics on canvas in a photorealistic style with impressionistic elements. Click About the Artist to find out more about the artist and current exhibitions and shows.

© Copyright 2023-2025. All Rights Reserved. No images may be duplicated in any fashion without the express written permission of Hugh Daniel. No work of art on this website is available as an NFT. In a sale, the physical property right to that sold painting or print reproduction is transferred to the buyer, however all intellectual property rights, whether in digital representations, or as physical reproductions, are retained by the artist.