
This is an unframed 6″ x 6″ painting of a Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle by Hugh Daniel, using professional quality acrylics on a stretched canvas and is varnished with gloss varnish for protection and long-life.  Signed in lower right. A painting in my Endangered Species Art Project.

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This is an unframed 6″ x 6″ painting of a Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle by Hugh Daniel, using professional quality acrylics on a stretched canvas and is varnished with gloss varnish for protection and long-life.  Signed in lower right.

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Be sure to check out the Endangered Species Art Project for more paintings (and art prints on high quality paper). New works are regularly being added to this collection.

Kemp’s ridley sea turtles are the smallest sea turtle in the world. The species is named after Richard M. Kemp, a fisherman from Key West, Florida, who first submitted the species for identification in 1906. They are primarily found in the Gulf of Mexico, but juveniles are also found in the Atlantic Ocean as far north as Nova Scotia and sometimes even occur in the eastern North Atlantic.

For more information about sea turtles as endangered species, visit the World Wildlife Fund website to read about Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle

All images © Copyright 2022 by Hugh Daniel. All Rights Reserved.

Artwork by Hugh Daniel, Raleigh, North Carolina. The artist primarily works in acrylics on canvas in a photorealistic style with impressionistic elements. Click About the Artist to find out more about the artist and current exhibitions and shows.

© Copyright 2023-2025. All Rights Reserved. No images may be duplicated in any fashion without the express written permission of Hugh Daniel. No work of art on this website is available as an NFT. In a sale, the physical property right to that sold painting or print reproduction is transferred to the buyer, however all intellectual property rights, whether in digital representations, or as physical reproductions, are retained by the artist.