Majestic Nature Series

On canoe camping expeditions through the desert canyons of the Rio Grande and the wooded mountains of the Ozarks, and in canoeing through rapids on Eastern whitewater rivers, my biggest takeaway was always feeling small and insignificant in the face of majestic nature. Many of these paintings place animals that we know and love in their natural setting, not dominating the painting, but only as a focus point in beautiful and awe-inspiring landscapes. Others show an almost anthropomorphic personification of powerful natural elements, such as the threatening power of a distant sudden squall, or as the visually riveting Sinopah Mountain. As I completed the series, however, a common thread seemed to evolve: both animals and anthropomorphic landscapes seemed to be looking directly at the viewer (and me); entreating, asking, even demanding – respect us. Help protect us. Our value doesn’t lie in our usefulness to humans. We are intrinsically majestic and we are important and irreplaceable in the universe. View selected works brochure.

Majestic Nature Series of Paintings

Artwork by Hugh Daniel, Raleigh, North Carolina. The artist primarily works in acrylics on canvas in a photorealistic style with impressionistic elements. Click About the Artist to find out more about the artist and current exhibitions and shows.

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